You got an email asking for more information on your Identity Theft Case – Is it REAL?

Date: 03/21/2018

Within the last year, you reached out to our advisors at the Identity Theft Resource Centerasking for help in dealing with a potential compromise to your identity.

The advisor probably chatted with you about what happened and how you could go about getting things back to normal. It may have been a long process or it may have been a quick fix. As part of that help, your advisor mentioned that we would like to follow up with you after a bit to see how things turned out. That email you received is part of us making sure that we can continue to help victims just like our advisor did for you.

The survey is part of what we do to help educate business and government leaders on the realities of what an identity theft victim goes through when their personally identifiable information is compromised. The survey we’re asking you to participate in helps us find out about the resolution of your case. We will not ask you for any specific account information and your answers will be kept confidential.

Our annual victim impact study – Identity Theft: The Aftermath, has been recognized for its focus on the impact of the ways identity theft can effect victims, their friends and family, their jobs and other aspects of their lives. Your responses in this year’s ID Theft Followup Survey will assist us in continuing our efforts in developing a clear and comprehensive analysis of the true impact of identity crime.

For the 2017 survey, we are partnering with Development Services Group, Inc. They have played an active role in the development and launch of this online survey under a grant from the federal government. The email you received from them is part of our on-going assistance to victims just like you.

We understand that this survey can be a long process. We would ask that you complete as much as possible – knowing that you can complete a portion, save your answers and return to pick it up where you left off. The more information we are able to glean from cases like yours, the greater impact we can have in assisting other victims like you. If you have questions about the survey, please email us directly at [email protected].

Contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. For on-the-go assistance, check out the free ID Theft Help App from ITRC.

How much information are you putting out there? It’s probably too much. To help you stop sharing Too Much Information, sign up for the In the Loop.

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