Vehicle Recall Scam

Date: 01/25/2017

When an automaker announces a recall, scammers step up to spoof you for fraud. Here is the latest on the vehicle recall scam

Who Is It Targeting

Vehicle owners of any brand

What Is It

A spoofing scam that goes after your money and/or personally identifiable information

What Are They After

As consumers, we’re entitled to know when the products we buy fail to meet industry standards, especially for safety. So when an automaker announces a recall of any of its vehicles, it tends to make news.

That’s what scammers are banking on. By pretending to be from consumer advocacy groups, calling or emailing to inform you that your vehicle is under recall—such as the current airbag recall affecting a number of different auto brands—they can steal your money, steal your identity, or in the case of email, infect your computer with a virus.

How Can You Avoid a Vehicle Recall Scam

  • Your vehicle’s manufacturer will mail you a formal letter that describes the recall in detail, and you won’t be notified by phone or email.
  • You will never have to take action based on a “consumer group” or cold call.
  • Never give out your personal information or make any kind of payment to someone who calls or emails you; hang up or delete the email, and check with your vehicle’s local dealership, even if that’s not where you purchased your car.

For full details of the vehicle recall scam check out this article from Detroit. For more information on identity theft, visit

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