Small Business Scam

Date: 05/18/2017

Owning a small business is hard work, and scammers are hoping you’re too busy to notice the red flags in their proposal. Here is the latest on the small business scam.

Who Is It Targeting

Small business owners

What Is It

An RFP contract scam that infects your network with a virus

What Are They After

Many small businesses rely on new contacts to keep their doors open, so when they receive an email with a proposal for a new business connection, it’s hard to ignore it. Everything about the emails looks and acts like a genuine “request for proposal,” but when the recipient clicks the included link for more information, it installs a virus instead.

How Can You Avoid a Small Business Scam

  • Make sure you’re checking out all business contacts thoroughly before accepting email attachments or links.
  • Be sure that your company uses the strongest antivirus software you can buy.
  • Update your team regularly on the dangers of clicking on links or opening attachments.

If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. Find more information about current scams and alerts here. For full details of the small business scam, check out this article from

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