Romance Scams at Your Door

Date: 03/22/2017

Romance scams are bad enough, but what happens when the scammer shows up on your doorstep? Here is the latest on romance scams at your door.

Who Is It Targeting

Romance scam victims

What Is It

An online romance scam that crossed over into real-life

What Are They After

This story reads like the plot of a Hollywood movie. A Canadian woman fell for a romance scam that not only cost her some money, it cost her much more…because the man she met online was eventually allowed to stay in her home. After he wiped out her valuables, money, even her keys, he disappeared. It was only then that she discovered his entire online identity was a fake.

How Can You Avoid Romance Scams At Your Door

  • Online romance scams are bad enough, but it’s vital that you check out this individual before ever meeting in person.
  • It’s also important to never share physical contact information until you’re certain this person is genuine.

If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. Find more information about current scams and alerts here. For full details of romance scams at your door, check out this article from

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