Postal Service Scam

Date: 03/02/2017

That email warning you about your missing package is a fake…and the only thing they’re delivering is a virus! It is a postal service scam.

Who Is It Targeting

Email users

What Is It

The postal service scam are spoofed emails that contain a virus

What Are They After

Spoofed emails are nothing new. In fact, they’re one of the more common scams. But this email has what many phishing emails don’t have, namely a recognizable company name and email address, relatively acceptable grammar and spelling, and a quick deadline for you to take action.

The postal service scam email claims to come from the U.S. Postal Service, informing you that they tried to deliver a package but couldn’t. That’s odd enough since they don’t email you this information; instead, the mail carrier leaves a thin postcard-sized slip with that information. The message even contains a phony “parcel number,” which the USPS also doesn’t use. Most telling of all, the email states you must have Microsoft Word installed on your computer in order to open the link and correct your information.

How Can You Avoid The Postal Service Scam

  • Macro-based viruses depend on software like Microsoft Word to infect your computer.
  • Never click a link or open an attachment in a message unless you were specifically expecting it.
  • Even a little poor grammar is a sure sign that this email did not come from a well-known company.

If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. 

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