Poshmark Data Breach Leads to Emails and Passwords Being Exposed

Date: 09/09/2019

The latest Poshmark data breach has led to personal identifying information (PII) being exposed for some users of the marketplace concept that lets people buy and sell clothing and beauty items.

Thanks to the abundance of websites and apps that let us buy, sell, and trade, it has never been easier to find what we love. That is the theory behind Poshmark. On the buyer side, you can look for just the right outfit from users’ virtual closets. On the seller side, you can make some money for items you have already got hanging at home.

Unfortunately, a platform like that will draw quite a few users, which can put it in a hacker’s crosshairs. The company announced it had discovered a data breach of its servers, and it has now helped to specify what types of information were compromised.

The information exposed in the Poshmark data breach appears to be limited to variables like email and username, as well as some shopping preferences like common sizes and encrypted passwords that are not supposed to be visible even if a hacker accesses them. However, to be on the safe side, Poshmark recommends changing your password if you discover that your information was affected by the Poshmark data breach.

Check Where Your Info May Have Been Compromised

There are a couple of handy tools that can help keep internet users safe. The first is a fairly comprehensive website known as HaveIBeenPwned.com. You simply type in your email address and it will show you exactly which known data breaches have contained information related to your email. It is a good idea to try it with any email account you have, even ones that are outdated or you no longer use.

The other tool appeared as part of Mozilla Firefox’s latest browser update. By even visiting Poshmark.com or its blog, Mozilla popped up a quick tab that explained user data had recently been stolen from that website. The option to enter your email address to check on your data was included in the popup. Other platforms offer similar tools, and they can help you keep tabs on where your information may have been compromised.

Change Your Password

Poshmark’s advice is sound. In the Poshmark data breach or any other data breach, changing your password should always be one of your first steps.

Never Reuse Passwords

Also, this serves as the most recent reminder of a crucial data security rule: Never reuse your email and password on multiple accounts. If any hackers gained this information from Poshmark, they can easily use it to cross-reference against other, more sensitive websites and apps. If any Poshmark account holders reused their passwords for their email, web retailers, social media, workplace computers, financial accounts or more, the hackers now control them. Change your passwords immediately if you are one of the many consumers who reuse your passwords, and do not forget to update them regularly just to be safe in case there is a data breach like the Poshmark data breach.

If you are a victim of identity theft in need of assistance, you can receive free remediation services from ITRC. Call one of our expert advisors toll-free at 888.400.5530 or LiveChat with us. For on-the-go assistance, check out the free ID Theft Help App from ITRC.

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