Netflix Phishing Email Scam Could Steal Credit Card Information

Date: 07/31/2020

A new Netflix phishing email scam has been targeting customers under the guise of a billing issue or account suspension. The attack, claiming to be from Netflix support, looks legitimate enough to get some users to expose their credit card information.

The Netflix phishing email scam is titled “Notice of Verification Failure,” and it claims there is an issue with billing. It asks users to verify their personal information within 24 hours to prevent their account from being canceled.

The link provided takes the user to a CAPTCHA page with Netflix branding. Once it is filled out, they are led to a site aiming to steal credit card details and billing information. While there have been other Netflix phishing scams, this new version uses pages hosted on legitimate domains, making it seem more realistic.

Steps You Should Take

  • Be suspicious of any email or text message asking you to verify personal information or credit card details
  • Check for spelling errors in URL links and email addresses
  • Instead of clicking any links in the email, go directly to your Netflix account through your web browser to see if you have a notification about your billing. Also, reach out to Netflix directly about the email.

Remember, scammers cast a wide net by posing as big companies to scam consumers. Due to the increase in streaming services and online platforms during COVID-19, there may be a continued rise in phishing attacks and other related cyberattacks.

If people have questions regarding Netflix phishing email scams, they are encouraged to contact the Identity Theft Resource Center through the website to live-chat with an expert advisor or call toll-free at 888.400.5530.

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