Move Over Movember…It’s Fraud Week!

Date: 11/05/2018

Most consumers probably have some level of knowledge about identity theft and fraud. It might only be a passing familiarity thanks to news headlines about record-setting numbers of data breaches. For others, their deeper knowledge of this kind of crime may come from having already been victimized. As anyone who has had to navigate the aftermath of identity theft crimes can tell you, it carries a lasting—possibly even lifelong—impact.

So how much do you really know about this crime? (You can take this short quiz to find out!)

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, ACFE for short, wants to help every consumer be as fraud-aware as possible in order to reduce their risk of becoming a victim. The organization hosts an annual event each November known as Fraud Week, and together with the Identity Theft Resource Center will host a Twitter chat filled with important tips and information for the public.

International Fraud Awareness Week will run from November 11th through 17th, and while some of the information is geared towards preventing this crime within the business sector, there are plenty of resources for everyday consumers. You can sign up to host a local community education event, direct your company or business to informational webinars, and find ideas for posting on social media to raise awareness. One great item to share on your social media channels is this ACFE video on identity theft and fraud, for example.

Of course, joining the Twitter chat on November 15th is another great way to get involved and stay informed. The ITRC and ACFE will co-host the free event online at 3pm ET/12pm PT, and participants only need to log into their Twitter accounts and search for The #fraudweekchat hashtag to participate. Be sure to add the hashtag to all of your questions or comments so other participants and the chat hosts can see them.

Finally, one of the best ways to really understand the impact of fraud is to hear from the victims themselves. The ITRC’s annual Aftermath report compiles information from victim surveys, which were completed by people who reached out to the organization for help during the previous year. This information explores not only the financial impact of this crime, but also the mental, emotional, and even physical effects of being a victim.

To say that it’s up to the victims to prevent identity theft and fraud is wrong; in too many cases, the victim couldn’t have done anything to prevent the crime. However, there are ways consumers can reduce their risk, recover as quickly as possible, and minimize the lasting effects. Knowing how to recover from this kind of crime starts without knowing what preventive measures to put in place, what steps to take in the event of fraud, and what resources are available to help victims. It all starts with awareness, so make plans to be a part of Fraud Week.

Contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. For on-the-go assistance, check out the free ID Theft Help App from ITRC.

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