Hurry Up and Click this Link

Date: 01/17/2017

If you receive an important notice to “hurry up and click this link”—one that comes with instructions involving a ticking clock—it’s probably fake.

Who Is It Targeting

Account holders

What Is It

Phishing scam that goes after customers from major institutions

What Are They After

An ITRC staffer recently received a phishing email—which gets its name from scammers sending out thousands of these emails a day, hoping someone takes the bait—that included instructions to click the link in order to correct an issue with her Bank of America account.

First, she doesn’t have a Bank of America account. But more importantly, the wording in the email made it sound like there would be dire financial consequences for not clicking the link immediately. This is a classic example of a common scam tactic, which is to get the victim to act quickly so they don’t have time to think it through – to “hurry up and click this link”.

How Can You Avoid It

  • NEVER click a link or open an attachment in an email or message if you weren’t expecting it.
  • If you receive a message that says you’ve got to hurry up and take action or click this link, stop and think about it.
  • If you do have an account with that company, contact them directly using a verified phone number. Inquire about your account and make sure everything is okay.

If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. 

For full details of this scam check out this article from Bank of America.

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