New Google Chrome Features Launched to Enhance Security

Date: 12/12/2019

New Google Chrome features have privacy experts excited. Software developers spend a lot of time and money creating the programs and apps we use on a daily basis. Sometimes, that software could use a little facelift, especially as new features and innovations come along. Other times, the software desperately needs an upgrade due to security issues.

In the new Chrome web browser update, password security is even stronger. If you attempt to login on a website or account and that username and password combination has been compromised anywhere else online, Google will alert you immediately and encourage you to change your password. This new Google Chrome feature is really helpful if you are one of the many tech users who still reuses their passwords on multiple accounts, something the Identity Theft Resource Center does not recommend.

Another great Google Chrome feature is the updated anti-phishing tool. In the past, Google would compare website URLs you visited against a list of known phishing sites. While the turnaround time for updating its list was about 30 minutes, meaning Google’s team updated the list continuously, that was still enough time for scammers to slip through or redirect their web traffic to avoid being caught. The new phishing detection happens in real-time, so if you attempt to visit a phishing website, you will be alerted immediately.

While Google’s team was making upgrades for the new Google Chrome features, they included a bunch of other new features that are not really security tools. However, they are still really handy, so Chrome users will want to take a look.

With that said, there is a catch when it comes to all these great new Google Chrome features. You cannot have them if you do not update your browser. The same is true of any app or software you use. If the developer creates a new feature, launches a new tool or discovers a massive security problem, your version will not have any of the benefits or fixes unless you update it. When you receive an alert or a notification about an available update, it is important to install it right away.

Think of it this way: if a developer discovered a dangerous security flaw that allowed hackers to break in and steal identities, the last thing they would want to do is broadcast that information. Hackers around the world could swoop in and attack computers that have not installed the update. Therefore, the news of these Google Chrome features and fixes does not tend to be very widespread. Just know that it is important to update the tools you use in order to stay protected and enjoy all the great benefits they have to offer.

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