Federal Trade Commission Investigation Scam

Date: 01/04/2017

The Federal Trade Commission has a lot of ongoing investigations, but they’re not going to email you about them. Here is the latest on the Federal Trade Commission investigation scam.

Who Is It Targeting

Email users

What Is It

An email phishing scam

What Are They After

The Federal Trade Commission investigation scam has become so widespread that the Commission had to step in and make a public announcement. According to the email, the Federal Trade Commission is conducting an investigation and is updating you on your pending case.

Obviously, if you get word that any government agency is investigating anything with your name on it, you’re going to sit up and take notice. That’s what the scammers are counting on. Once you click the link to verify your information or check on the status of the investigation, the work of stealing your personally identifiable information begins.

How Can You Avoid The Federal Trade Commission Investigation Scam

  • The Federal Trade Commission (and most government agencies, including the IRS…another popular subject of these emails) will never email you with information about an investigation.
  • If you were actually connected to a case of some kind, you would receive information in writing through the mail.
  • Never click any links or open any attachments that come through email if you weren’t expecting them.

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