Data Privacy Day 2020 – The Year of Privacy

Date: 01/03/2020

Save the date for this year’s Data Privacy Day! In the current always-connected digital age, it can be easy to take privacy for granted. Apps, websites, social media and even games want everything from permission to access our contacts list to invasive amounts of personal information. Even signing up for a new account can mean turning over your name, email address or birth date.

Too often, though, consumers do not stop to think about why an app wants to use your friend’s list or why a game needs access to your device’s photos. We simply click through the terms of use and are wondering later on how hackers stole our data in a data breach or why a company sold our information to third-parties.

StaySafeOnline, which is powered by the National Cyber Security Alliance, will be hosting its annual Data Privacy Day on Tuesday, January 28. This live-streamed event will begin at 1:00 p.m. EST/10:00 a.m. PST and will feature industry experts speaking on a variety of privacy-related topics.

One session of the event will be important to a lot of different stakeholders, that being the discussion of the new California Consumer Privacy Act, which is set to take effect this month. There will also be panels on the effects of the GDPR regulations that have already gone into effect in Europe, as well as discussions on how privacy affects both businesses and individuals in a worldwide-connectivity landscape.

More importantly, one of the goals of Data Privacy Day is to look ahead to what the future of the privacy and cybersecurity landscape might look like. A few years ago we might have never envisioned mobile games that could leak your personal information online or social media apps that buy and sell users’ data as a commodity. Now, with the first days of 2020 already behind us, it is both exciting and a little unnerving to imagine what privacy will really mean in the coming decade. To participate in the online live stream of Data Privacy Day 2020, visit and click on the Data Privacy Day tab.

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