Celebrity Instagram Scam

Date: 01/17/2017

Celebrities have long used social media to make money, but sometimes the offer is a scam. Here is the latest on the celebrity Instagram scam.

Who Is It Targeting

Social media users

What Is It

Scam product offers

What Are They After

You may have heard the term, “paid for being famous,” but there are actually a number of celebrities who make their living appearing at certain events, endorsing certain products, or simply “being seen” while wearing certain clothes. They’re paid a fee, just like an athlete who endorses a sports beverage or brand of shoe.

But one reality TV star recently promoted an ad on two different occasions for a scam that claims to help get your student loan forgiven. The scam charges a “one-time fee” of over $400, but is actually relying on a free program from the US government that already exists to help reduce the impact of student loan debt.

How Can You Avoid The Celebrity Instagram Scam

  • The obvious answer? Stop buying products just because a famous person sells it.
  • More importantly, whenever you’re expected to pay an upfront fee or sign any agreement, read the fine print first.
  • If you are in need of any kind of debt solutions, there are free resources available; do your homework before turning over your personal information or your money.

For full details of the celebrity Instagram scam, check out this article from TeenVogue.

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