Avoiding Disaster Relief Scams While Responding to Those in Need

Date: 02/15/2024
  • When a disaster strikes, those impacted are vulnerable. Unfortunately, identity criminals use it as an opportunity to prey on people and commit disaster relief scams.
  • The technology that lets kind-hearted people participate in helping out also makes it possible for scammers to commit disaster relief scams, bill innocent, well-intentioned people out of their money andsteal your personally identifiable information (PII).
  • To avoid a disaster relief scam, only work with trusted agencies, donate to known charities and be cautious when sharing PII. Also, verify all phone numbers for charities and information in social media posts.
  • If you receive a suspicious email or message regarding assistance or a donation, ignore it. Report any fraud to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Disaster Fraud Hotline (621.3362).
  • You can file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about phone scams or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about fraud.
  • For more information on disaster relief scams, or if you think you have been the victim of an identity crime, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center toll-free by phone (888.400.5530) or live chat on the company website, idtheftcenter.org.

When a disaster strikes, there’s often a heart-tugging sadness that comes from the powerless feeling to do something useful. As distanced bystanders, we’re left reeling from the news footage of the horrific events, both human-made and natural. We often think, “If only there were something I could do to help.” Unfortunately, identity criminals use it as an opportunity to prey on people while they are vulnerable and commit disaster relief scams.

Technology has empowered us to support people in their time of need. Charitable giving websites, crowdfunding campaigns, and even the ability to text a donation for a specific cause and then pay it on the following month’s bill have enabled us to lend a hand when needed.

Disasters Strike Everywhere

In early 2024, California was hit with a winter storm that left multiple people dead and many cities with damage. Federal assistance was requested for San Diego due to the record-setting rain and flooding. There were numerous donation options following the storm, particularly on GoFundMe.

Just a few weeks before the California storm, Japan suffered a magnitude 7.6 earthquake, leaving hundreds dead and hundreds more missing. Relief efforts were mobilized within days. Millions of yen were donated to the Japanese Red Cross.

In 2021, another earthquake impacted Haiti: a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Over 2,000 people died, and nearly 53,000 houses were destroyed. Volunteers and others at the Haitian-American Community Coalition of SW Florida in Fort Myers shipped hundreds of pounds of food, medical supplies and other items for victims.

Hurricane Ida struck Louisiana, leaving many stranded and over one million people without power. U.S. Coast Guard members and National Guard units from Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas conducted search-and-rescue operations. The Red Cross also set up different ways for people to donate to those in need.

Scammers Take Advantage of the Vulnerable

Sadly, the same technology that lets kind-hearted people participate in helping out has also made it possible for scammers to commit disaster relief scams and bill innocent, well-intentioned people out of their money. They can also steal your personally identifiable information (PII), something that’s far more valuable than a donation of a few dollars.

Days after the earthquake in Japan, its government began to call on the public to be aware of fake social media posts with inaccurate information on the quake and false appeals for financial help. Only a matter of hours after the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11, scammers already began soliciting donations for relief efforts, but pocketing the money.

It’s the same with nearly every high-profile incident that affects large numbers of victims. Scammers take advantage of people when they are most vulnerable and commit disaster relief scams.

How to Avoid Disaster Relief Scams

  • Only work with trusted sources and legitimate agencies. People often hit the streets and claim to be with an agency offering help. However, they take off with your PII or money.
  • Limit the amount of PII you share. Only share PII with trusted organizations and agencies. Scammers could pose as government officials or claim to be with a legitimate organization and ask to see your PII. Your PII could be used to commit an array of identity crimes.
  • Only use trusted and known charities to donate. If you do not recognize the name of a charity soliciting funds, or if it’s a name that’s too “sudden” to be believed, be cautious. Trustworthy charities will have long-standing reputations for meeting the government’s guidelines for a charitable organization. Other new sites should be treated as suspect and possible disaster relief scams.
  • Verify all phone numbers for charities. If you need to contact a charity by phone, check the charity’s official website to see if the number you have is legitimate. If you’re using text-to-donate, check with the charity to ensure the number is legitimate before donating.
  • Verify the information in social media posts. Double-check any solicitation for charitable donations before you donate. Crowdfunding websites may host individual requests for help. However, they are not always vetted by the site or other sources.
  • Ignore suspicious emails and messages. If you receive a suspicious email or message requesting donations or other assistance, ignore it because it is probably a disaster relief scam. Do not click on any links or open any attachments. Scammers regularly use email and messaging platforms for phishing attacks and to spread malware.
  • Report any fraud. To report suspected fraud or disaster relief scams, call the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Disaster Fraud Hotline toll-free at 800.621.3362. You can also file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about phone scams or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about fraud.

Contact the ITRC

If you believe you were the victim of any disaster relief scams or want to learn more, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center. You can speak with an expert advisor toll-free by phone (888.400.5530) or live chat on the company website, www.idtheftcenter.org.

The post was originally published on 8/16/16 and was updated on 2/15/24

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