
the Fraudian Slip Podcast: Abine – Protecting Your Privacy Online

  • 08/13/2021
  • Season 2
  • Episode 7
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Abine talks with the ITRC in the newest Fraudian Slip podcast about protecting your privacy online and what you can do to keep your information private

  • The California Attorney General released a new tool to help consumers complain when websites make it difficult to take advantage of the state’s privacy law.
  • Virginia and Colorado join California on the list of states to give consumers more privacy protections. Also, California’s privacy law will be even stronger in 2023 when voter-approved legislation goes into effect.
  • The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) sat down with Abine to discuss the changing landscape in online privacy and efforts aimed at protecting your privacy online.
  • You can learn more about protecting your privacy online and other topics discussed in the podcast, and how to protect yourself from identity crimes by visiting the ITRC’s website.
  • If you think you are the victim of an identity crime or your identity has been compromised, you can call us, chat live online, send an email or leave a voicemail for an expert advisor to get advice on how to respond. Just visit www.idtheftcenter.org to get started.

Welcome to The Fraudian Slip, the Identity Theft Resource Center’s (ITRC) podcast where we talk about all-things identity compromise, crime and fraud that impact people and businesses. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, SoundCloud or Podsite now. This month, August, we look at the ever-changing landscape surrounding personal privacy, particularly protecting your privacy online in an economy fueled by personal data.

The California Attorney General recently released a new tool to help consumers complain when websites fail to make it easy to take advantage of the state’s privacy law. That law requires a business to have a link on the homepage that is clearly marked “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” so California residents can opt-out of data sales.

Joining California on the list of states to give consumers more privacy protections are Virginia and Colorado. Also, California’s already strong privacy law will become even stronger in 2023 when legislation approved by voters goes into effect. Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York are also looking to pass similar laws aimed at protecting your privacy.

Let’s not let this subtle point pass us by: Voter approved. The new California law was approved by a wide margin in 2020, and there is ample research that proves U.S. residents want stronger privacy protections. With that said, who is going to provide them and who will use them?

Helping us to navigate the troubled waters of online privacy and efforts aimed at protecting your privacy online is the ITRC’s CEO Eva Velasquez and Abine’s Co-Founder and CEO Rob Shavell. Abine is an online privacy company that makes easy-to-use tools for consumers to control what personal information companies, third parties and other people see about them online.

We talked with Rob Shavell about the following:

  • What Abine does and its role in protecting your privacy online.
  • The line between government protections, private sector protections and consumer self-protections.
  • The concept of data minimization for businesses and consumers.
  • Actions you should take in protecting your privacy online.

We talked with Eva Velasquez about the following:

  • The evolution of consumer attitudes about personal privacy.
  • The consequences when privacy protections are inadequate or fail.
  • The concept of data minimization for businesses and consumers.
  • Actions you should take in protecting your privacy online.

You can learn more about protecting your privacy online, as well as get help if you have been the victim of an identity crime by visiting the ITRC’s website at www.idtheftcenter.org. While you are there, sign up for our emails that alert you to the latest scamsmonthly data breach updates and tips to protect your identity.

Be sure and join us next week for our Weekly Breach Breakdown podcast and next month for another episode of The Fraudian Slip.

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