Is My Identity Being Misused?

Misuse of identity is a growing concern, with more people falling victim to fraud and theft than ever before. Most individuals’ personal information is readily available, whether it’s been shared by the individual or not. How do you know if you are a victim of identity misuse? 

Have you…

  • Checked your credit report and found accounts on there that don’t belong to you?
  • Reviewed your financial accounts and found charges that don’t belong to you?
  • Been contacted by a collections agency for an account that does not belong to you?
  • Been notified by letter or email that an account was opened in your name that you did not initiate?
  • Been notified by law enforcement about outstanding traffic violations in your name that you were unaware of?
  • Been notified by law enforcement or a government agency about a warrant in your name for a crime you did not commit?
  • Been denied an apartment, cell phone, or other services because of poor credit, but you were unaware of having poor credit or any credit history?
  • Been denied government benefits because of income that was not earned by you?
  • Been locked out of your online account(s) though you did not change or incorrectly enter your login information?
  • Logged into an online account only to find your personal information (name, contact information, financial account number, etc.) has been changed without your permission and does not match your personal information?

*This is not an exhaustive list and represents the most common types of identity misuse reported to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC).

Contact the ITRC

If you marked any of the bullet points above, you may already be a victim of identity misuse. Contact the ITRC and speak with an advisor toll-free for a customized plan that will outline the steps you need to take to recover your account(s) and resolve your misuse of identity concerns and for tips about how to protect your information moving forward.

You can call or text 888.400.5530 or visit our website to live chat during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.- 5 p.m. PT. You can also leave a message for an advisor if you contact us outside of our business hours, and we will respond the next business day. Visit to get started.

This information should not be used in lieu of legal advice. Any requests to reproduce this material, other than by individual victims for their own use, should be directed to [email protected].

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