Has My Identity Been Compromised?

In today’s digital age, protecting our identities has become more important than ever. The rise of identity theft and fraud has made it critical for individuals to protect their personal information. If your personal identifiers (Social Security number, driver’s license, student ID, etc.) or account and user credentials (account number, username and password, etc.) have been compromised, you are at greater risk for identity theft. 

Have you…

  • Received a letter or an email saying your information was exposed in a data breach?
  • Suspected that your phone or computer has been accessed by someone who should not have accessed it?
  • Had any of the following items stolen?
    • Identity document (Social Security card, driver’s license, student ID, etc.)
    • Lease or rental agreement
    • Tax documents
    • Mail (including account statements, bills, etc.)
    • Application that contained personal identifiers or account and user credentials
  • Shared your personal identifiers or account and user credentials with someone only to find out later it was a scam?
  • Shared your personal identifiers or account and user credentials with someone you trusted (family member, friend, spouse or partner, etc.), but now you are worried they might misuse that information?
  • Learned your information is on the dark web (through a dark web monitoring service or other notification)?
  • Found out someone shared your personal identifiers or account and user credentials without your permission?

Contact the ITRC

If you marked any of the bullet points above, your information has been compromised and you have an increased likelihood that information may be misused, or you may already be a victim of identity misuse.  

Contact the ITRC and speak with an advisor toll-free for a customized plan for protecting the information that has been compromised and checking to see if you may already be a victim of identity misuse. You can also use this checklist to see if you could be a victim of identity misuse.  

You can call or text 888.400.5530 or visit our website to live chat during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.- 5 p.m. PT. You can also leave a message for an advisor if you contact us outside of our business hours, and we will respond the next business day. Visit www.idtheftcenter.org to get started.  

This information should not be used in lieu of legal advice. Any requests to reproduce this material, other than by individual victims for their own use, should be directed to [email protected].

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