Puppy Scams

Date: 12/10/2019

Are you planning on bringing home a furry friend this Christmas? Be careful where you buy and do not fall for a puppy scam.

Who Is It Targeting: Prospective pet owners

What Is It: Puppy scam that involves a bait-and-switch

What Are They After: This is the time of year when many families think about bringing a new furry friend home for the holidays. If you are looking to grow your family with a new puppy—and have taken all the necessary steps to ensure a healthy, happy pet adoption—you still need to be aware of another major concern; a puppy scam. Bait-and-switch puppy scammers are already waiting to “grinch out” this holiday season by taking your money and not delivering the new family member you have been waiting for.

How You Can Avoid It:

  • You can avoid scammers by rescuing a pet from your local animal shelter. Adopt, do not shop
  • If you are interested in a specific puppy from a breeder, be mindful of people who want payment upfront via an untraceable payment method
  • Watch out for people who claim to have hidden fees for shipping and vaccinations
  • Never purchase a pet online that you have never met in person

If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. Find more information about current scams and alerts here.

Read next: “Secret Sisterhood” Online Gift Exchange Scam Alert

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