Smartphone Malware Scam

Date: 08/16/2017

Never mail your smartphone to tech support for repair…if they’re the ones who called you, that is. Here is the latest on the smartphone malware scam.

Who Is It Targeting

Smartphone users

What Is It

A scam that steals your smartphone

What Are They After

A caller dials your phone number and explains that he’s from tech support. Malware has been discovered on your smartphone. The scammer requests that you mail your smartphone to the address they provide, along with your passcode since the “tech guys” will need it to get into your device.

How Can You Avoid a Smartphone Malware Scam

  • It’s hard to believe that people have already fallen for this scam, but it’s happened.
  • If there is an issue with your device, take it to your cellular service provider, not a guy who calls you on the phone.

Find more information about current scams and alerts here. For full details of the smartphone malware scam, check out this article from

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