Local Phone Number Spoofed Call Scam

Date: 01/08/2018

Consumers may be tempted to ignore a call from an out-of-town or unknown number, so scammers have switched tactics. Here is the latest on the local phone number spoofed call scam.

Who Is It Targeting

Local phone users

What Is It

A spoofed phone number that looks like it’s from your area

What Are They After

If you see a phone number on your caller ID from a blocked number, unknown number, or far-off city where you don’t know anyone, you might just let it ring. So scammers have a new trick: spoofing a phone number, which means using a string of number that looks like it’s right in your town, hoping you’ll be duped into answering the phone.

How Can You Avoid the Local Phone Number Spoofed Call Scam

  • Even if the number looks local, there’s no requirement to answer it.
  • If you do answer and you’re directed to press buttons on your touchpad, supply personal information, or send a payment, hang up.
  • Never supply money or information to someone who contacts you…they should already know who they’re talking to.

If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. Find more information about current scams and alerts here. For full details of the local phone number spoofed call scam check out this article from TaosNews.com.

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