Coronavirus Business Scam Targeting Employees

Date: 03/06/2020

First, hackers were taking advantage of the global pandemic coronavirus news coronavirus with an email scam that targeted consumers. Now, they are targeting businesses with a new coronavirus business scam.

Just like the last scam, criminals are using the concerns over the outbreak to unleash malware. They are continuing to try and find ways to make money by playing off everyone’s concerns and fears.

This coronavirus business scam is targeting professionals by sending phishing emails that look like a company’s purchase order for facemasks or other supplies that could trick employees into making payments to a fraudulent account. Scammers are also sending phishing emails about a company’s remote-work plan in hopes to get a response that provides personal details.

According to Proofpoint’s analysis cited in an article for the Wall Street Journal, attackers have sent emails containing nearly a dozen types of malware. Some of these emails even include company logos, instructions and attachments.

As long as the coronavirus stays in the headlines, so will the scams. In order to avoid these scams, it is critical that everyone adopt and develop good cybersecurity behaviors and habits. Here are a couple of tips to help you reduce your risk of falling victim to a coronavirus business scam.

  • Never click a link, open an attachment or download a file that you are not expecting. Instead, you should contact the sender to verify its authenticity. If the sender is not someone you regularly interact with, ignore the email. If it is someone you know, still verify the email before you click any links or open any attachments.
  • Do not share or forward emails about the coronavirus unless you have verified its authenticity. They are often alarmist to the point of being hoaxes or contain outdated details. In the case of the coronavirus scam, they contain dangerous links.

It is important to stay up-to-date on all major events. In order to stay on top of the news, go directly to trusted sources like the CDC or World Health Organization for updates and information.

If you believe you have fallen victim to a coronavirus scam, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center toll-free at 888.400.5530 to speak with an expert advisor. You can also live chat with us. Our advisors will help guide you through your case and provide you with the proper resources.

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