CashApp Customer Support Scam Leads to Stolen Personal Information

Date: 09/14/2020

CashApp scams have seen an uptick since COVID-19 began impacting the United States. In April, we wrote about scammers out in full force trying to get consumers to fall for CashApp scams by clicking on fraudulent and malicious links that could steal people’s money and identity, taking advantage of the economic hardships. Now, the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) is receiving multiple calls and live-chats about a twist on the CashApp scam: a CashApp customer support scam.

Who Is Targeted

CashApp users

What It Is

A CashApp customer support scam where scammers act as CashApp customer support on a hotline to gain access to users CashApp accounts or ask users to download software to allow remote access to their mobile device.

What They Are After

Scammers are after money and personal information using a fake customer support hotline. In one CashApp scam case reported to the ITRC, a scammer stole all of the victim’s money and changed their username and password. In another case, a scammer was able to get a hold of the victim’s bank account number and access the victim’s bank account.

How You Can Avoid It

  • As of right now, CashApp only offers customer service via email or through the app, not by telephone. Reach out to customer support directly through the company’s website or app.
  • Never give out personal information over the phone if you do not know who is on the other end.
  • Do not download software to allow third parties to have access to any of your mobile devices.
  • Only use CashApp to transfer money to people you know.
  • Add additional security measures, including multi-factor authentication.

If you think you may have fallen victim to a CashApp customer support scam, you can call the ITRC toll-free at 888.400.5530. You can also live-chat with an expert advisor on the company website.

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